ENVIRONMENT PROJECT (Projeto Meio Ambiente)
Discipline: English Class: 9º A Time: 2h/a
Teacher: Jacqueline Regis Soares
Ação: Trabalhar um texto sobre o Meio Ambiente utilizando as competências da escrita (writing), leitura (reading) e tradução (translation). Enfatizar a importância de proteger a natureza.
Text: Nature
It is nice to live in contact with nature.
Nature is beautiful and a source of life.
Observing Nature attentively, we note that every being depends on the others.
Nature gives everything to man. Why destroy it? It´s necessary to love and protect Nature so that it can be a source of life forever.
The Earth doesn´t belong to man; it´s man that belongs to the Earth. The Earth is our mother, the rivers are our brothers and the forests are our sisters.
The authorities must find means to avoid pollution and preserve Nature.
And you, too!
Flowers and trees, lakes and meadows, open spaces and wild forests are disappearing fast.
The incredible increase in number of human beings on the Earth, the spread of great cities, the pollution of our surroundings - all these things are destroying what we took as permanent: Nature.
Our rivers are thick with pollution and the atmosphere is dark and dirty.
Technology is a very good instrument of progress, but unfortunately man has not learned how to control.
Fonte: Apostila Ensino Médio - IBEP
Eu me recordo deste texto quando cursava Letras pelas Faculdades Teresa Martin.